Overseas Offices

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Overseas Offices

Overseas Offices ( Investment Promotion Stations )



Kanagawa Prefectural Overseas Offices

The activities of Kanagawa overseas offices staff are centered on the following two main duties.

Promoting Foreign Investment

Holding Kanagawa investment seminars abroad, spreading information about Kanagawa Prefecture's business potential, and providing local support for foreign companies to start businesses in the Prefecutre.

Overseas Expansion Support for Kanagawa-based Companies

Providing support for Kanagawa-based companies to expand overseas, such as assistance with business meetings and trade fair exhibits, as well as gathering infomarion on trade.

Overseas Offices

Singapore Office

 Map Singapore Officepicture of Singapore Office building

Office Address: JETRO Singapore Kanagawa Division

16 Raffles Quay, #38-05 Hong Leong Building, Singapore 048581

TEL:+65-6221-8174 FAX:+65-6224-1169

Area in charge: South East Asia, India etc


New York Office ( USA )


Office Address:JETRO New York Kanagawa Division

565 Fifth Avenue,4th Floor,New York,NY 10017,USA


Area in charge: U.S.A., Canada, Mexico


Dalian Office ( China ) Kanagawa Industrial Promotion Center


Office Address: Swish-hotel Dalian #1204

21 Wu Hui Road, Zhong Shan District, Dalian, 116001 P.R.CHINA

TEL: +86-411-8230-1906 FAX:+86-411-8230-8296

Area in charge: China, Taiwan


For further information or request for assistance , please contact our Overseas Offices.

picture of Kanagawa Prefectual Government

Investment Promotion and International Business Division

Industry Department

Industry and Labor Bureau

1, Nihon-odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa, 231-8588 Japan

Tel: +81-45-210-5565 Fax: +81-45-210-8875



For comments/questions on this page, please contact the Investment Promotion and International Business Division

Tel: +81-45-210-5565, 5567, FAX: +81-45-210-8875