ホーム > 観光・名産 > 観光・レジャー > 観光・名所 > 観光ポータルサイト「旅たび相模」 > Site of Taima Ferry
Located at Showa Bridge, the site of Taima Ferry was a major transportation hub that has connected Taima (Sagamihara City) and Echi (now Atsugi City) since ancient times. In the old days, people who made Mount Oyama pilgrimages used the ferry here.
Yoshinojuku Fujiya
Yoshinojuku Fujiya, built around 1897, is a townhouse building that retains the atmosphere of what was once Yoshino Station on the Koshu Kaido, one of the five main routes to Edo (old Tokyo). It was designated a Sagamihara City Registered Cultural Property in 2014. The old-fashioned atmosphere of the structure makes it a popular photo spot.
Old Seiryuji Temple Historical Residence (Old 'Minka-en' House Garden)
The former kuri (kitchen) of Seiryuji Temple, located within Sagamihara Nature Village Park, is an old residential house with a thatched roof thought to have been built in the middle of the Edo Period (early 1700s).
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