ホーム > 観光・名産 > 観光・レジャー > 観光・名所 > 観光ポータルサイト「旅たび相模」 > Stone pillar of Yagurasawa Okan
The Yagurasawa Okan was an old road leading from Akasaka Gate in Edo (now Tokyo) to Yagurasawa in Minami-Ashigara, past Ashigara Pass to Numazu and Mishima in Suruga Province (now Shizuoka Prefecture). As a side road of the Tokaido Road, it was an important political and economic road that connected the East and West.
Shimo-Tsuruma Furusato Kan (Old 'Minka' Ogura House)
The Shimo-Tsuruma Furusato Kan is a folk museum and reconstruction of the main house and storage house of the former Ogura family residence, a Yamato City Designated Important Cultural Property. The main house, built in 1856, is one of the few station-area merchant houses in the prefecture.
Josenji Temple
Josenji Temple is located in a serene area surrounded by nature, and seasonal flowers adorn the temple grounds year-round. In particular, the temple is famous for its mitsumata flowers in the spring and white equinox flowers in the fall.
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