ホーム > 観光・名産 > 観光・レジャー > 観光・名所 > 観光ポータルサイト「旅たび相模」 > Ogama Benzaiten
Located beside the upper reaches of the Osawa River, Ogama Benzaiten is a shrine dedicated to the god Benzaiten as a place to pray for rain. It is named "Ogama" (Giant Cauldron) because the waterfall basin is shaped like a cauldron. It is a sacred spot with great spiritual significance.
Site of Atsugi Ferry
Along the Sagami River, a bit upstream from Ayumi Bridge, is the site of Atsugi Ferry. The site has stone monuments indicating that it is a ferryboat dock as well as one that commemorates the visit of Watanabe Kazan, an Edo Period painter.
Old 'Minka' Folk House:Kishi House
Built in 1891, Kishi House is a two-story wooden house with a tiled, hipped roof. It is designated an Atsugi City Tangible Cultural Property.
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