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We formulated the “Kanagawa Grand Design Implementation Plan III”

We formulated the “Kanagawa Grand Design Implementation Plan III”

–Measures for realizing “Kanagawa –a magnet for a vibrant inochi*(≒lives)”–
*Inochi is a Japanese word that means “life”.

えいご | ちゅうごくご | かんこく・ちょうせんご | すぺいんご | ぽるとがるご


As a comprehensive plan to show overall and basic guideline of the prefecture’s administrative policy management, Kanagawa Prefectural Government formulated the “Kanagawa Grand Design Implementation Plan III” in July 2019 and is steadily promoting its implementation



Kanagawa Grand Design Implementation Plan III Digest version(PDF:4,193KB)
A summary of the “Kanagawa Grand Design Implementation Plan III”




このページの所管所属は政策局 政策部総合政策課です。