ホーム > 観光・名産 > 観光・レジャー > 観光・名所 > 観光ポータルサイト「旅たび相模」 > Iiyama Kannon (Kannon at Chokokuji Temple)
Iiyama Kannon (Kannon at Chokokuji Temple), the sixth temple on the Bando 33 Kannon Pilgrimage, has a pyramidal copper-shingle roof and is designated as an Atsugi City Tangible Cultural Property. Widely known as the "Kannon of Matchmaking," it is a tourist attraction for young people.
Site of Atsugi Ferry
Along the Sagami River, a bit upstream from Ayumi Bridge, is the site of Atsugi Ferry. The site has stone monuments indicating that it is a ferryboat dock as well as one that commemorates the visit of Watanabe Kazan, an Edo Period painter.
Ogama Benzaiten
Located beside the upper reaches of the Osawa River, Ogama Benzaiten is a shrine dedicated to the god Benzaiten as a place to pray for rain. It is named "Ogama" (Giant Cauldron) because the waterfall basin is shaped like a cauldron. It is a sacred spot with great spiritual significance.
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